Made For You
With Love
Jamisch & Marmel’s is a local brand of preserved fruit in Indonesia that can be created however you like. It can be used as bread jam for breakfast, cake topping for sweets, fresh cold drinks, and even sauce for cooks.
Made from fresh fruit, Jamisch & Marmel’s does not use artificial colors, sweeteners, or preservatives so it is safe to consume and enjoyed by all ages.
Meet the family
Suspendisse leo odio, scelerisque id ullamcorper vitae, iaculis bibendum magna. Etiam convallis porttitor diam at rutrum. Suspendisse potenti. In commodo sapien ac congue luctus. Vivamus leo lacus, mattis a ante id, ultrices semper odio. Maecenas gravida ac mauris a vestibulum. Ut ac tristique nisl, vel porta nisi.
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Ga nyangka selainya enak bangettt sdh gtuu dpt bonus lg dan packingannya amann banyakin variasnyaaa lg donkkk
Shopee CustomerShopee Cust
enak bgttt selainya beda dgn yg di pasaran. yg strawberry mantep. dpt bonus selai nanas yang sama mantepnya, terima kasih
Tokopedia Customer
ini enak bangett pas asam dan manisnyaa teksturnya cair dengan chunky strawberrynya yummm pgn coba buah lainnya~
Tokopedia Customer